Sunday, 28 December 2008

Naughty Pony

Dear dear me.
Well the hope was to do some jumping but pea didn't want to. I was trying to warm up and he just wantd to follow Jaffa and i got so annoyed so i plucked up the courage and eventually smacked him on the bum. I had to then sit to 3 large bucks :( But he moved a bit so i popped over 1 or 2 jumps and Gemma was sharing the arena and kept putting the jumps up so me & fiona went on a little walk which Jaffa opposed to so Paddy tried to. But he went on a very small one. He didn't want to go much further because he went on a hack yesterday and monday and that's enough for a week in his case.
I do love my pea though.

He has the farrier on tuesday, lucky as on wednesday he had lost a shoe. 2 in 1 month. Lucky we have soft arena's i think :)

Hope you had a good christmas :D

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