Sunday, 28 December 2008

Naughty Pony

Dear dear me.
Well the hope was to do some jumping but pea didn't want to. I was trying to warm up and he just wantd to follow Jaffa and i got so annoyed so i plucked up the courage and eventually smacked him on the bum. I had to then sit to 3 large bucks :( But he moved a bit so i popped over 1 or 2 jumps and Gemma was sharing the arena and kept putting the jumps up so me & fiona went on a little walk which Jaffa opposed to so Paddy tried to. But he went on a very small one. He didn't want to go much further because he went on a hack yesterday and monday and that's enough for a week in his case.
I do love my pea though.

He has the farrier on tuesday, lucky as on wednesday he had lost a shoe. 2 in 1 month. Lucky we have soft arena's i think :)

Hope you had a good christmas :D

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

I Love My Pea :)

Yet again, he didn't fail to please me these past two days :) Funny saying that about him :)

Went for a little potter yesterday which he enjoyed, went the middle route for a change and he didn't look at much bless him :) He's a happy hacker me thinks :)

Today I had my mentor lesson and it was rather eventful. It was going to be a real test for me and paddy cause we haven't worked with 4 others before all in one lesson. We started following one another which he enjoyed and then we went into open order for trot and canter. Everyone was trotting and cantering around and then there was me and paddy just walking - but charlotte said to keep doing that just so we focus on going where I want to go, and then we did a bit of trot and canter :) Then we did some drill riding and me and paddy went at the back incase of any temperamental moments, it was rather easy for us. Walking it was fine, then trotting he decided to change sides, then spooked at bo running at him and bucked across the diagonal. Then there was trot and canter but Paddy was a bit tired and just stopped everywhere then bucked out at Monty : Silly pony. And then charlotte decided we would do ride and run, and while everyone goes at a controlled pace, Paddy rodeod (i mean rodeo - 'skipping' - bucking and rearing) to the other end. Haha he does make me laugh. And in all his excitement he got a nose bleed :( Poor pony, but he decided to be nice to me for a change and actually let me clean it without eating me alive :)

I do love that pony :) I do, promise (Y)

Sunday, 21 December 2008

Silllyyy Pony :)

The Pea was full of beans today! I guess it was cause he hardly did any work yesterday and had friday off! I couldnt get on cause he was walking off, and then as soon as I was in the saddle and ready he started trotting off so i got 15 minutes of very nice work. But then someone came in the arena so he stopped working and bucked and then trotted straight off so i popped him on the lunge, then tried riding again but he barged all the way down the other end of the arena and wouldn't listen to me, so i made him go back up the other end and walk round before going!

Yesterday i dressed him up with a bit of tinsel and a santa hat, though you couldn't see the tinsel in his mane :(

And he is soo cute when I bring him his dinner cause he licks his lips :)

I really want to take him on a proper hack so we need to find some plodders cause he likes the odd plod along - if a horse goes too fast he doesnt like it. And someone who doesn't mind shetlands cause there are some on route and Paddy hates the little shetland mitch who's in the field next to the jumping arena haha!

Friday, 19 December 2008


went to olympia today :)
it twas a goooodd dayy :) the pea didnt get anything :( i didnt have much money cause it was last thing - but he is getting a shoulder guard tomorrow (Y)
i jumped the pea yesterday and he is a funny thing. I put a grid up with a spread in the middle, then an upright with the fillers slightly in and silly me freaked at the spread but he honestly jumped it and then he stopped at the upright cause i didnt put my leg on but he jumped it from a standstill anyway. \i got rid of the spread and the fillers and he was pretty good. Occasionally jumped the upright too high and then the last time he did a funny jump over it and took off early or something - but its on video and i am in the process of making a christmas one :)

Saturday, 13 December 2008

One Day Good, Next Days Bad

I do have a daft pony.
On wednesday I went down earlier because of study leave and decided to do soe jumping and he was perfect :) Apart from the fact I had no control. I put up a 1 stride and 2 stride grid, a tiny spread and various other jumps like a white filler and stuff. The first time he went over the grid, he got excited then spooked at the end - haha. But he was so so so good.
And then thursday he was a pain in the bum and wouldn't do anything, so i just lunged him tbh - but I guess he did work really hard the day before.
And today, I asked my dad to go up to take pictures of me jumping, but because there were two others in the arena he decided against it : we did manage to get over a few though, and then I took him in the front for a cool down and stuff. We shall have to try again another day with the pictures cause they weren't awesome today as the pea didn't put much effort into it..
So that was the week so far :)


Monday, 8 December 2008


I won't be commenting on here for a couple of days - well that's the plan.
Not that many people read this anyway :)

Anyway after yesterday I have decided to give a quick update :)
I have spoken to many people and it seems I have 'set my sights a bit too high' and that 'i am focusing on how other people have bought new horses and are not experiencing any problems' so I have lowered them and I am going to forget about everyone else and how they are doing and just focus on the pea :) So I am going to be a lot tougher, and it will probably result in a lot lot more falls though I would rather not. And next year we are going to get a trailer (hopefully - got to pursuade dad first) and go out so he can get experience as he hasn't been to a show before - thrilling :)


Sunday, 7 December 2008

GRRR At that pony

ARH he annoyed me so so so much today.
I try to make things fun for him by going on the grass for a play - but no cause he would rather follow the other horse.
I try to take him on a hack fora change - but no cause lettie walks too fast so he stops.
So i got really angry - the worst i've ever got - and I think he knew he was in trouble cause he went cantering off on the lunge straight away. But when i get on him - he pisses around again.

so on the way back to the field - i gave him a pep talk and asked him which he would rather do - get told off or win rosettes.
Bah - whether it worked, who knows.

So yeah that was today.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

I Love My Pea :)

Top Tip: always take a torch down to the field when it's dark. As much as grey ponies show up more, i always walk to the wrong one - but maybe thats cause he tends to be the furthest in his huge field :(

He was so good for a change in my lesson :) I rather wanted to do some jumping so started sneaking off to the sunken when charlotte caught me and sent me back to the front :( I was not looking forward to my lesson - i rarely do because it means the pea has to work hard and so he has a hissy fit : The lunging was awful - ears back, hugee bucks, facing me, not wanting to go -not a good start! But when charlotte did it he decided to be a sweet thing. Bah that pony is annoying! And i was not exactly looking forward to riding him after that performance! But hey ho, i got on and started on the lunge. He was as good as gold :) And then we went off and i ignored my fears and he was as good as gold again! He was about to stop but luckily i caught him before charlotte did! haha!

But he did try to kick me in the head in the stable. He has a cut on his back leg but on the inside, and so i was trying to clean it whilst he was having his tea. Charlotte said to tie him up and I did start to wonder whether she meant to tie his back legs up and they kept coming close to my head. Daft thing. And now I have purple spray all over my hands and I've washed them dozens of times :(


Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Dear me & the Pea

As per usual Pea wasn't in the greatest of moods.
He had to see the farrier after losing his shoe fiona left him in for me, so he was rather hoping to be fed and go. But oh no! He got worked. His face when i got his tack :( I felt so so sorry for him! But hey ho we got off to work. And boy was he in a bad mood. He didn't want to lunge. And then when i got on him he did nothing and tried to threaten me by stamping his foot rather angrily! Decided to do a bit more jumping :) when i first tried he argued, and when my friend went out the arena i actually screamed at him cause i was so annoyed. I felt rather bad afterwards but it must have done the trick :) we got some amazing jumping done, though we had very little control, and we jumped our first 2ft3 fence (yeah it may be tiny to you but when you haven't jumped in a while then it gets a bit big!)

And 1 week until my mocks so it may start getting a bit empty on here : sorry!


Monday, 1 December 2008


Okay so I am posting a video on youtube also (look for Paddy Pea - If She Knew) because I am in desperate need of some help.
I am getting so so tired and fed up of always arguing, always putting up with the bucks, the rears and the pain.
Sure equestrian is 'no pain no gain' but it's getting too much. It may not seem i fell off much but its not only the falls that hurt, its every single buck he does.
On the outside it may seem like I have got confidence now and all that but I promise you I haven't. I cry because everyone manages to get something out of their horse when i can't put my leg on or gather the reins without him bucking.
I want to make his work fun and I want to improve our bond but how can I do this?
Can anyone help?

Either comment on the video or if you can comment on this thing?
Thank you xxx

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Lost shoe..

I bring the pea in full of hopes of doing a bit of groundwork and flatwork when i realise he has lost a shoe :

So instead i walked round the arena with him following, changing the jump for my friend and then walked round bareback a bit.

Hopefully we will jump tomorrow if he is sound and the ground is soft. If not then it's more groundwork :

Also i have finally put the dressage video up:

Thursday, 27 November 2008

The Pea does Polework

Well actually he didn't. He was too busy being in a grump and decided bucking was a far better sport which ended up with us still huffing and puffing in the rain. And unfortunately for Paddy - he got just as soaked so he plan didn't work.

We did finally get round the arena once, over the poles once - though he cheated and didn't do them properly - and a canter when my dad decided he had had enough of the rain as well :)

So, Paddy got his food but no carrots, and we will have to try again on sunday when we jump. But the agenda for saturday is ground work (hopefully) and then a good flatwork session which may last a couple of hours after tonights performance... And i had planned a hack which I have decided may end up as a walk round the pony field...

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Our First Entry

Okay seeing as Paddy has been my hardest pony and we are making improvement everyday I decided to make a blog rather than failed websites. I may also feature some of Tinsel, my other horse, though seeing as she is on loan it will be rare :)

Sorry if my blog seems to be a bit boring but I need to learn how to use this thing!

I have a youtube where i regularly post videos:

Okay. Now for the brief with Paddy :)
I got him on July 11th 2008. Well actually, I didn't get him until the 12th as I was in France when my parents went and picked him up and they never told me :) On the 15th he had the saddler so he hadn't been ridden since I got him and although I knew about his bucking, that was the day I truly found out the hard work. He bucked so much and it was completely bad habits :( So there were plenty of bucks, lunging, tears, fustration, anger, rears, fly bucks, pain, falls and we are still together - 4 months later :) It has truly been the most difficult 4 months of my life but I am so thankful to my instructor, fiona, my parents and numerous people on the yard who have urged me on no matter what. Infact, his new trick of 'skipping' (mini rear, huge buck, mini rear constantly until I get him to move forwards nicely) is hardly bothering me.

We did our first dressage on the 16th November and although it was only out of 6, we came 3rd and I was so proud because it was his first ever and all the others have done dressage many times before and have not had the problems we have had :)

So thats my little monkey!

Tinsel is my 16hh tb mare who is on loan as a broodmare. She is currently pregnant and has done racing & polo :) She is extremely highly strung as was regularly rearing when lead but now she is a lot calmer apparenty and the stallion is truly gorgeous!