Well the past week has had its ups and downs :)
Last sunday I did a showjumping clinic and whilst the jumping was rather good, then in between wasn't and i fell off when he suddenly napped at the gate and did a mini rear and buck :/ Kate said that i should attempt jump off styles so that we get to the fence quickly as he is good once he focuses on the jump.
Thursday i had my lesson and i was rather impressed with my staying on skills. Paddy seemed a bit fresh and when he was behaving he was pretty good, but he was constantly naughty as well, bucking and rearing with the odd launch! Annoying!
Took him to his first show today away from home. It was just a dressage and we didn't get placed but we didn't come last for a change either! He had a few tantrums in the test which was annoying, and he wouldn't relax so it probably looks awful but I was happy. Though he hated the plants there! He wasn't too happy with me either cause I got to the field and he was flat out fast asleep and didnt want to get up :\ Then he was constantly fidgeting whilst I was trying to plait him up, and then got annoyed about having a bath. Honestly.
But he was rather stupid. I tied him up outside in the sun after his bath and there was a towel hanging over the rail. So dippy pony decided to pick up in his mouth, only to spook at it and run round the yard spooking but with the towel still in his mouth. It was rather entertaining!
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